Our on the ground presence and local knowledge enable us to create Team building and Incentive programs in Morocco at the most spectacular parts of nature.

In recent years Harmattan created exciting Team building experiences. Our agency identified and made use of routes and locations that were normally considered unachievable for large groups. We offer activities such as driving classes in the desert dunes. Our excursions construct moments of great emotional impact that are enlightening to the consciousness.

In-depth listening skills acquired through years of interpreting the communicated requirements of others Harmattan may tailor Incentive programs according to the specifications of any company.

Like a good cook everything is prepared by mixing various ingredients in the correct way according to the tastes of the client. These ingredients range from the choice of accommodation, with the possibility of organizing exclusive tented camps, the use of experts such as technicians, 4 × 4 driving instructors, guides,  business consultants in addition to psychologists. Harmattan transforms the chosen Team building project into an unforgettable experience that will remain long cherished.

From the desert to the meeting room we are always creating harmonious integration of challenging logistics with creativity using up to date technologies such as multi-screens, graphics and video productions.